Bulgarian Government Starts a Dedicated Helpline for Foreign Tourists

Have you booked your flight to Bulgaria from Ireland yet? You will get the best price for flights to Bulgaria right here on this website. We are also happy to report that the Bulgarian government has opened a hotline for foreign tourists for all problems related to their stay in the country.
Bulgaria has opened a telephone hotline as well as a dedicated email address for the benefit of foreign tourists so that they can openly and freely send in their complaints about any issue faced by them in Bulgaria.
So if you find that a restaurant is too noise, or that you are being overcharged and ill-treated by the hotel staff, you can send in a quick email to the Bulgarian government or make a phone call. You can be sure that your complaint will be treated seriously and action will be taken.
The addition of the email address is a very positive move, because there are going to be occasions when you cannot make a phone call because of all the noise around you, or maybe that you need an element of privacy and don’t want anyone – such as the hotel staff – to hear the complaints that you are making about them to the government.
You can use the number 02/ 940 3003 to reach out to the Bulgarian government. You can also use the email address signalitourism@government.bg.
The Bulgarian government said in a press statement that “the aim is for the summer tourist season 2017 to take place in a peaceful environment, offering Bulgarian and foreign tourists the comfort they expect”.
You can expect a response from the government in English, or German, or in a different language of your choice. If you understand a bit of Bulgarian, that would be great, and even if you don’t that’s perfectly okay. The government officials will respond to you in a language you understand.
You can also visit the official website of the Bulgarian Tourism Ministry for making a complaint. This is the English version of the website - www.tourism.government.bg/en. You can also report to the Consumer Protection Commission of Bulgaria using the toll-free number 0700 111 22.
The Tourism Ministry has a number and e-mail to contact which you can use in case you find any sort of “irregularities” on the beaches of Bulgaria, such as drug use or use of any banned substances. This is a serious issue in the country and the government advises both locals and tourists to be vigilant and to alert them in case they see anything illegal.
The number to be used in this case is +359 2 9046833. You can also send in an e-mail at control@tourism.government.bg.
For more information on this, visit the FAQ section on the official website of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism. Here you will find the answers under the question, “How can I report irregularities at the beach?” You can also inform the government if someone asks you for a bribe for anything.
The government of Bulgaria is very keen to stop all illegal activities in the country, so that foreign tourists have a safe and pleasant stay here.